Jarrang Sessions Ep. 6: Nick Crawford, Stafford Sumner and Conor Wilson
March 24 - 2022
Podcast 5 min listen
The Jarrang Sessions is back for Episode 6! This time Ben is joined by Conor Wilson, Stafford Sumner and Nick Crawford. Automation is today's subject, listen in as they discuss the benefits of automation and how to get the most out of such an effective tool.
iOS 15 Blog Post: https://www.jarrang.com/insights/ios-15-the-impact-on-open-rate-measurement-everything-you-need-to-know-and-how-it-affects-you
Jarrang's Guide to Automation: https://www.jarrang.com/services/audience-management
This months guests:
Conor Wilson - Conor is one of Jarrang's Email Marketing Designer and Developers and has been at the forefront of researching of Video In Email.
Nick Crawford - With extensive experience working with brands like BMW, Jaguar Land Rover, and Travelodge, Nick heads up the strategy side of the business helping ensure our clients stand out from their competition.
Stafford Sumner - An expert in developing businesses through email marketing, Stafford founded Jarrang in 2003, and since then has worked with hundreds of business across the globe.
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